RADNET – Environmental Air Radiation Monitor for Real-time Air Monitoring of Beta and Gamma Particulate Radionuclides



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Product Highlights

  • Outdoor high volume air sampler with automatic flow control
  • Integrated gamma and beta detector with alpha measurement as an option
  • High performance local processing unit
  • Data Transmission: Cellular network, hardwire internet, and phone modem with automatic switching
  • Weather sensors for ambient air temperature, barometric pressure, and wind speed/direction
  • Telescoping mast


The RADNET monitor is equipped with an integrated dual detector that measures beta and gamma pacticulate isotopes deposited on a filter paper by means of a multi-processing technique. The beta detector is a rugged, ion-implanted, silicon detector with 600mm2 of sensitive surface area coupled to a charge pre-amplifier and processor-based MCA module that is able to detect and measure beta radiation. The gamma detector is a 2”x2” NaI(TI) detector with gain stabilization and automatic temperature control. The sodium iodide detector is coupled to a tubebase, charge preamplifier/high voltage power supply and to a second MCA module. The local processing unit using serial interfaces communicates with the two MCA modules, the mass flow controller and the weather data logger. The detectors are coaxial with the silicon detector close to the filter paper, in front of the sodium iodide detector to enhance its beta sensitivity. The local processing unit manages all input/output functions and performs calculations for real-time radiation monitoring and sample flow control. Also serving functions for local/remote interfacing, the local processing unit performs auxiliary datalogging, processing, data backup, on-line and offline testing, and data communication

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