PM2.5 Hi-Vol Inlet & Retrofit Kits – Size Selective Sampling Inlet





The High Volume PM 2.5 ambient air sampling inlet & retrofit kits are designed to provide existing owners of HI-Q Series High Volume PM-10 sampling systems with the option of retrofitting them into High Volume PM-2.5 Samplers, instead of needing to procure a new, complete, PM-2.5 high volume air sampler. An adapter is placed into the standard PM-10 sample inlet in place of the existing PM-10 fractionator. The retrofit kit has a new plate that contains multiple impactors which collect particles larger than PM-2.5 aerosols on an oil-wetted surface. The PM-2.5 aerosol is then transmitted through the impactor and collected on a HI-Vol filter.

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HIQ-PM-6001-2.5 (Retrofit Kit), HIQ-PM-6001-2.5-I (Complete PM-2.5 Inlet)