Hand/Foot Contamination Monitors





VF’s line of Hand/Foot Contamination Monitors is used to measure the alpha, beta, and gamma contamination on hands and feet. Different types and thicknesses of smart scintillation detectors are used to determine the
type of radiation measured and the efficiency of the detectors. Using
dual phosphors, the discrimination of alpha from beta activity is

A User friendly touchscreen display and voice prompts are used to step the Operator through the measurement process. The display,
status lights, and voice prompts provide visual and audible results of the measurements. The touchscreen display is used for maintenance functions. The maintenance functions are either password or lock protected.

Detection Limits:
MDA alpha <1.1E-6 μCi/cm2 (<3.7E-2 Bq/cm2)
MDA beta <5.4E-6 μCi/cm2 (<2.0E-1 Bq/cm2)

Additional information

