Gas-Only Multi-Point & Single Point Particulate Stainless Steel Sampling Probes (without nozzle)



SKU: N/A Category:



HI-Q precision bends stack and fume hood-sampling probes from stainless steel tubing. Precision-machined nozzle tips may be added from the “Custom Machined Stainless Steel Sampling Nozzles” section. Single-point particulate probes are custom manufactured to customer specifications. Multi-point Gas Probes are custom designed to customer specified stack dimensions.

Order XX = length after 90º Tube OD Min Bend Radius (5 X Tube OD)
SS-PG50-XX ½” N/A
SS-P50-XX ½” 2½”
SS-P75-XX ¾” 3¾”
SS-P100-XX 1” 5”
SS-P125-XX 1¼” 6¼”
SS-P150-XX 1½” 7½”

Additional information


SS-P100-XX, SS-P125-XX, SS-P150-XX, SS-P50-XX, SS-P75-XX, SS-PG50-XX