D-AFC-Series The “All-In-One” Digital Air Flow Calibrator



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Product Highlights

  • Flow Rate – Instantaneous Display of actual & standard flow rate (ACFM, ALPM, ACMH, SCFM, SLPM, SCMH)
  • Flow Totalizer – Instantaneous Display of total flow in actual & standard units (ACF, AL, ACM, SCF, SL, SCM, SCMH)
  • Temperature Sensor- Measurement & display of temperature of inline air flow (degrees F & C)
  • Barometric Pressure Sensor – Measurement & display of barometric pressure (in Hg & mm Hg)
  • Auto Calibration of HVP-4000 & 5000 Series Air Sampler
  • Display – Illuminated graphic LCD screen
  • Data Logger – Internal memory for data logging. Data downloadable to PC/Laptop computer.
  • Data Output – Optional analog 4-20 mA or
    0- 10 VDC scaled output
  • Printers – Optional Data / Barcode Printers


Parameter Display Range Resolution
Barometric pressure: 0-32 in Hg;
0-812 mm Hg
0.01 in Hg
0.01 mm Hg
Temperature: 30-900 deg F
-1-480 deg C
0.01 deg F
0.1 deg C
Air Flow: See “Calibration Range” under “Ordering Information”
Measurement Accuracy: Flow Rate: ± 2% of full scale
Temperature: ± 2 deg F
Barometic Pressure: ± 0.2 in Hg @ 25 deg C
Flow Display: cfm, lpm or cmh (can be programmed for any other units)
Power Requirements: 110 – 240 VAC
Overall Dimensions: 12” W X 6” D X 11” H
Weight: 8.5 lbs
Storage Temperature: -4ºF to 158ºF (-20°C to + 70°C)
Operating Temperature: 14ºF to 140ºF (-10°C to + 60°C)
Calibration: Factory calibration is recommended once per year


Through the implementation of a baro-metric pressure sensor, thermocouple, precision machined venturi tube and differential pressure sensor, HI-Q’s D-AFC- Series microprocessor based air flow calibrators are used to measure, record, & display instantaneous flow rate (i.e.: CFM, LPM, or CMH), temperature (degrees C or F), and barometric pressure (“Hg or mm Hg). Through onboard calculations the user may also select to display the flow rate or total volume in “Standard Units” (ie: SCFM, SLPM, SCMH or SCF, SL, SCM). The total volume of air sampled is displayed (resettable) in standard and actual units. The processor also has an internal memory that can be programmed for logging and time stamping the instantaneous flow rate, barometric pressure, and temperature. The data can be downloaded to an excel spread-sheet using a PC or a laptop computer. Networking and communications options include two (selectable) RS-232/RS-485 ports, a 4-20 mA and/or 0-10 VDC analog output (proportional to flow rate), the ability to send & receive SMS messages to/from any CDMA/GSM cellular phone (for possibly alerting/reporting any predefined event via text message), remote or local data acquisition and the ability to print in textual and bar code format.

Additional information


D-AFC-01, D-AFC-02, D-AFC-03, D-AFC-04, D-AFC-05, D-AFC-10, D-AFC-XX, D-HFC-10, D-HFC-15, D-HFC-30, D-HFC-40, D-HFC-50, D-HFC-70, D-HFC-XX