Biomedical, Chemical & Pharmaceutical
HI-Q Environmental Product Company provides air sampling instrumentation & systems for several niche applications in a number of disciplines in the broad area of “Life Sciences”.
In the Biomedical, Chemical, & Pharmaceutical industries, HI-Q has marketed instrumentation for certain applications for many years. Our ambient, in-door breathing level air samplers, commonly known in the industry as “Goose-Neck” or “Giraffe” air samplers have been instrumental in analyzing workplace exposure. HI-Q has also developed accurate pre & post heap filtration stack sampling systems to aid laboratories in inventory control & atmospheric exposure monitoring for chemicals such as Radio Iodine.
For more information on specific products related to these industries, please feel free to contact us.

From portable hand held battery operated to rugged field deployable, military organizations worldwide rely of HI-Q air sampling systems & accessories during research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E) and for reliable protection of personnel from Nuclear Biological Chemical Threats.
HI-Q’s emergency response air sampling kits have offered the Defense & Military Industries a way of recognizing, determining and identifying the presence of harmful Biological & Nuclear Threats.
For more information on specific products related to these industries, please feel free to contact us.

Emergency Response
From portable hand held battery operated to rugged field deployable air sampling systems, Emergency Response and First Responder Team’s worldwide rely of HI-Q air sampling systems & accessories during emergency response situations for reliable protection of personnel from Nuclear Biological Chemical Threats.
HI-Q’s emergency response air sampling kits have offered First Responders and other Emergency Response teams a way of recognizing, determining and identifying the presence of harmful Biological & Nuclear Threats.
For more information on specific products related to these industries, please feel free to contact us.

Finding efficient ways to generate, deliver and consume energy resources while reducing pollution is an ongoing quest for the Energy & Utility Industries.
HI-Q has developed instrumentation geared toward monitoring emissions and the dispersal of pollutants from power plants and industrial facilities. HI-Q base-line & stack sampling equipment has been used in studies to identify and track the spread of pollutants around the globe.
For more information on specific products related to these industries, please feel free to contact us.

Researchers and Engineers utilize HI-Q air sampling equipment and systems for analyzing and investigating environments around the world. Data collected by HI-Q air sampling systems have provided critical information in the identification and prevention of pollution.
HI-Q offers a line of high volume (TSP-Type) air sampling systems for data collection in perimeter monitoring & industrial emissions monitoring applications.
For more information on specific products related to these industries, please feel free to contact us.

Fire & Police
Fire service and law enforcement workers frequently face unknown chemical and biological hazards. Internal emergency response personnel must assess the situation before committing a rescue or control team.
Today, the Threat of biological agents is real. Accurate situation assessment is of paramount importance when responding to an emergency or control situation. HI-Q’s emergency response air sampling kits have offered Fire and Police emergency response teams a way of recognizing, determining and identifying the presence of harmful Biological & Nuclear Threats.
For more information on specific products related to these industries, please feel free to contact us.

HI-Q serves the needs of various government agencies with a wide range of application-specific, customized air sampling products. HI-Q works directly with governmental agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Defense (DOD) & Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to develop situation specific, cutting edge air sampling products to help recognize potential threats.
Since September 11, 2001, HI-Q continues to have an ongoing relationship with the EPA & DHS by continually working on government-funded projects for the development of airborne biohazard collection systems.
HI-Q Environmental Products Company plays an instrumental role in $11.5 million dollar contract awarded by the US-EPA in support of its National Air and Radiation Environmental Laboratory (NAREL) for the manufacturing and installation of all the ERAMS (Environmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System), RADNET as of 2006, units being installed across the country today.
For more information on specific products related to these industries, please feel free to contact us.

Since 1973, HI-Q has directly and successfully served the commercial nuclear industry worldwide with reliable, High Quality (HI-Q), continuous duty air sampling equipment, systems and accessories.
For over 30 years, our products, professional design capability, and consumables have been used in remote & internal air monitoring programs including stack sampling system designs which implement the “shrouded probe” per ANSI/HPS N13.1-1969/1999/2011/2021 design specifications.
HI-Q offers the highest quality & tested TEDA impregnated carbon cartridges for the collection of radioiodine in the industry. Each batch of filter media is tested in cartridge format by Environmental Engineering & Testing, Inc., an independent laboratory, according to the American Society for Testing of Material’s retention efficiency test method ASTM-D-3803-98, Sect 12. The tests are performed in cartridge format at 5 individual flow rate points (0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, & 4.0 SCFM), at both a 18-Hour Pre-Equilibration & a 168-Hour (7 day) Pre-Equilibration for a total of 10 tests, with one duplicate confirmation test point at 2.0 SCFM, through 11 separate carbon cartridges manufactured from a random sampling of HI-Q’s latest batch of 8 x 16 mesh TEDA impregnated carbon, LOT# Specific. A cumulative performance curve is included with each report. Copies of each lot specific, individual test reports are available from HI-Q.
QUALITY ASSURANCE: HI-Q Environmental Products Company manufacturers all of its cartridges under an ISO 9001:2000 Certified quality assurance program. Following the procedures set forth in their Quality Assurance Program ensures repeatable performance and dimensions of each cartridge manufactured. HI-Q specifically has each individual lot of carbon and silver zeolite, from which the individual cartridges are made, randomly tested and certified by an independent testing laboratory at multiple sample flow rate points through the most common geometry of cartridges utilized in the nuclear industry. The Lot-Specific test results are included with each customer order.
For more information on specific products related to these industries, please feel free to contact us.

Occupational Health & Safety
HI-Q considers the responsibility for worker health and safety to be of paramount importance. This is a responsibility that requires good documentation of facts. Many studies are conducted to evaluate workplace health and safety conditions as they relate to workers exposure to radiation, chemicals, and biological hazards during the normal work day. HI-Qs wide line of air sampling equipment, systems and accessories are used in the monitoring then documentation of these workplaces.
For more information on specific products related to these industries, please feel free to contact us.

Universities, Colleges & Professional Schools
HI-Q realizes and supports the efforts of higher education with a variety of air sampling equipment, systems and accessories. Many of instruments are used as teaching aids for future Health Physicists, Radiation Safety Officers, Industrial Hygienist, Environmental Engineers and other industrial disciplines.
For more information on specific products related to these industries, please feel free to contact us.